The Great College Search

Its 10:30 pm on a Friday night and I’ve found myself traversing the inter-webs for colleges again and need to write about it. What I’ve found from my latest outing in college searching is that my fears of the huge impact the SAT scores have on college acceptance, is definitely affirmed. This has just been brought to my attention now because it is the key component CAPPEX uses for its college acceptance chance meter. CAPPEX is a great (and widely respected) site for any student as it lets you dump in all of your academic information and it shoots out your relevant scholarships and chances for college acceptance in any college of your choosing.

Now as a rising Junior I haven’t taken the SAT’s yet so this puts tremendous pressure on myself and students that have come to the same conclusion. This single test that has a score that can fluctuate on the amount of sleep you could accomplish the night before, determines which college you have the opportunity to attend, intern affecting the outcome of your life. So if there are any College Admission staffers out there, please hold true to the holistic style of admission colleges promise they have.


2 thoughts on “The Great College Search

  1. This site is useful for me that means we can dump in all of your acadamic information and also shoots out your relevant scholarships…
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