
I grew up on the island of Nantucket, the one the drink was named after and home to the famous Figawi sail boat race! On Nantucket I attended 8 years of school, went clamming with my dad, and had the occasional fresh lobster. From there I moved to Greybull, Wyoming (my parents said it was a vacation), where I took a single year of school and learned how to lasso the elusive plastic bison. Finally I ended up in Maine, a great contrast to the deserts of Wyoming. In Maine I learned an arsenal of skills such as teamwork, sociability, and even a love for academics, primarily in the liberal arts and economics. With this in mind I recommend everyone to move to a new, unique place at least once before graduating high school. My interests include current events, conversing with informed people and enjoying the sports of foosball and ping pong. I plan to attend a four year university in the field of economics or political sciences, hopefully in the state of Maine, as I have developed a passion for our Vacationland.

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